STAT 505 - Lesson 11 - Principal Component Analysis

Ramaa Nathan 4/3/2019

Data Exploration

Load File

places = read_table("data/places.txt", col_names=c("climate", "housing","health","crime","trans","educate","arts","recreate","econ","id") )
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   climate = col_integer(),
##   housing = col_integer(),
##   health = col_integer(),
##   crime = col_integer(),
##   trans = col_integer(),
##   educate = col_integer(),
##   arts = col_integer(),
##   recreate = col_integer(),
##   econ = col_integer(),
##   id = col_integer()
## )

Plot histograms

ggplot(gather(places[,-10]),aes(value)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=10) +
  facet_wrap(~key, scales='free_x')

Transform to normalize data

#apply log10 function - we do not need id here.. so remove it.
#places1 = places %>% select(-id) %>%
 # mutate_all(log10)
places1 <- places %>% 

Plot transformed histograms

ggplot(gather(places1[,-10]),aes(value)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=10) +
  facet_wrap(~key, scales='free_x')

formatAsTable <- function(df,title="Title") {
  #create the header vector
  table_header = ifelse(has_rownames(df),c(ncol(df)+1),c(ncol(df)))
  #style the table
  df %>% kable() %>%
    kable_styling(full_width=F,bootstrap_options=c("bordered")) %>%

Principal Component Analysis using Covariance Matrix

Using princomp

#get the covariance matrix
places_cov <- cov(places1[,-10])
formatAsTable(data.frame(places_cov),"Covariance Matrix")
Covariance Matrix
climate housing health crime trans educate arts recreate econ
climate 0.0128923 0.0032678 0.0054793 0.0043741 0.0003857 0.0004415 0.0106886 0.0025733 -0.0009662
housing 0.0032678 0.0111161 0.0145962 0.0024831 0.0052786 0.0010696 0.0292263 0.0091270 0.0026458
health 0.0054793 0.0145962 0.1027279 0.0099550 0.0211535 0.0074778 0.1184844 0.0152994 0.0014634
crime 0.0043741 0.0024831 0.0099550 0.0286107 0.0072989 0.0004713 0.0319466 0.0092847 0.0039464
trans 0.0003857 0.0052786 0.0211535 0.0072989 0.0248289 0.0024619 0.0470407 0.0115675 0.0008344
educate 0.0004415 0.0010696 0.0074778 0.0004713 0.0024619 0.0025200 0.0095204 0.0008772 0.0005465
arts 0.0106886 0.0292263 0.1184844 0.0319466 0.0470407 0.0095204 0.2971732 0.0508600 0.0062060
recreate 0.0025733 0.0091270 0.0152994 0.0092847 0.0115675 0.0008772 0.0508600 0.0353078 0.0027924
econ -0.0009662 0.0026458 0.0014634 0.0039464 0.0008344 0.0005465 0.0062060 0.0027924 0.0071365
#compute PCA 
pr_cov <- princomp(places1[,-10],cor=FALSE,scores=TRUE,fix_sign=TRUE)
## Importance of components:
##                           Comp.1     Comp.2    Comp.3     Comp.4
## Standard deviation     0.6134452 0.22560372 0.1668374 0.15131845
## Proportion of Variance 0.7226740 0.09774248 0.0534537 0.04397184
## Cumulative Proportion  0.7226740 0.82041652 0.8738702 0.91784205
##                            Comp.5     Comp.6     Comp.7      Comp.8
## Standard deviation     0.12930691 0.10916208 0.09182048 0.062627954
## Proportion of Variance 0.03210956 0.02288413 0.01619086 0.007532295
## Cumulative Proportion  0.94995161 0.97283574 0.98902660 0.996558897
##                             Comp.9
## Standard deviation     0.042330504
## Proportion of Variance 0.003441103
## Cumulative Proportion  1.000000000
#eigen values = variance = (pr_cov$sdev)^2
# create a dataframe with eigen values, differences, variance of proportion and ciumulative proportion of variance
proportionOfVar = data_frame(EigenValue=(pr_cov$sdev)^2,
formatAsTable(proportionOfVar,"Variances / Eigen Values")
Variances / Eigen Values
EigenValue Difference Proportion Cumulative
0.3763151 0.3254180 0.7226740 0.7226740
0.0508970 0.0230623 0.0977425 0.8204165
0.0278347 0.0049374 0.0534537 0.8738702
0.0228973 0.0061770 0.0439718 0.9178421
0.0167203 0.0048039 0.0321096 0.9499516
0.0119164 0.0034854 0.0228841 0.9728357
0.0084310 0.0045087 0.0161909 0.9890266
0.0039223 0.0021304 0.0075323 0.9965589
0.0017919 NA 0.0034411 1.0000000
#get the loadings - the Eigen Vectors
eigenVectors = pr_cov$loadings;
#create a dataframe - only for display purposes
eigenVectorsDF <- data.frame(matrix(eigenVectors,9,9))
row.names(eigenVectorsDF) <- unlist(dimnames(eigenVectors)[1])
colnames(eigenVectorsDF) <- unlist(dimnames(eigenVectors)[2])
formatAsTable(eigenVectorsDF,"Eigen Vectors")
Eigen Vectors
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9
climate 0.0350729 0.0088782 0.1408748 0.1527448 0.3975116 0.8312950 0.0559096 0.3149012 0.0644892
housing 0.0933516 0.0092306 0.1288497 -0.1783823 0.1753133 0.2090573 -0.6958923 -0.6136158 -0.0868770
health 0.4077645 -0.8585319 0.2760577 -0.0351614 0.0503247 -0.0896708 0.0624528 0.0210358 0.0655033
crime 0.1004454 0.2204237 0.5926882 0.7236630 -0.0134571 -0.1640189 0.0555304 -0.1823479 -0.0542122
trans 0.1500971 0.0592011 0.2208982 -0.1262053 -0.8699695 0.3724496 -0.0724604 0.0571420 0.0718394
educate 0.0321532 -0.0605886 0.0081447 -0.0051969 -0.0477977 0.0236280 -0.0573857 0.2044731 -0.9732711
arts 0.8743406 0.3038063 -0.3632873 0.0811157 0.0550699 -0.0281215 0.0232698 0.0167399 0.0052566
recreate 0.1589962 0.3339926 0.5836260 -0.6282261 0.2132899 -0.1417991 0.2345152 0.0835391 -0.0174947
econ 0.0194942 0.0561011 0.1208534 0.0521700 0.0296524 -0.2648128 -0.6644859 0.6620318 0.1682638
#Display the scores of the first 10 observations
pr_cov$scores %>% head(10) %>% formatAsTable(.,"Scores")
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9
-0.4366771 0.4201634 -0.1181209 0.0899588 -0.0809683 0.0050283 -0.0777766 0.1428702 0.0029877
0.6209576 0.0053458 0.0018082 -0.1007449 0.0216497 0.0272882 0.1347766 -0.0276786 0.0677809
-0.8732563 -0.2121036 0.0496929 0.1716117 0.0266537 -0.0444182 -0.0442839 -0.0659487 0.0096433
0.5029481 -0.0636215 -0.1704949 -0.1123026 -0.1963132 0.0455147 -0.0308016 0.0872710 -0.0364262
0.6097750 -0.0072326 0.2331267 0.0502339 -0.0711925 0.0596135 0.0472725 0.0467325 -0.0009515
-0.7456332 -0.1881828 -0.0407524 0.0727651 0.0636872 -0.0271343 0.0403322 0.0547203 -0.0354845
0.0050971 0.0634965 -0.3781554 -0.0250161 0.0958425 0.0581775 -0.0427086 0.0153939 -0.0566308
-0.0393760 -0.0923854 -0.0952791 0.0044039 -0.1235088 0.0517066 0.0066959 0.1004058 0.0085536
-0.8935752 -0.0978617 -0.1070677 -0.2011014 -0.1240106 0.1701246 0.0600887 0.0422251 -0.0047487
-0.1649041 0.0417715 -0.0279384 0.1843475 -0.1220699 0.0822534 -0.0294404 0.0902523 0.0106447
pr_cov_combined <- cbind(places1,pr_cov$scores)

Scatter Plots of the Principal Components - using Covariance Matrix

#Plot the first two principal components
data.frame(pr_cov_combined) %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=Comp.2,y=Comp.1)) +
  geom_point() +
  #geom_text(aes(label=id,hjust=0,vjust=0)) +
  labs(title = "Principal Component 1 vs 2 - using Covariance matrix") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))+
  xlab("Principal Component 2") +
  ylab("Principal Component 1") 

Scree Plots - using Covariance Matrix

proportionOfVar %>% 
  scale_x_discrete(limits=seq(nrow(proportionOfVar))) +
  xlab("Principal Component") +
  labs(title="Scree Plot - using Covariance matrix") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 

Variance Explained Plots - using Covariance Matrix

 proportionOfVar %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=seq(nrow(proportionOfVar)))) + 
  scale_color_discrete(name="Type",labels=c("Cumulative","Proportion"))+ #legend
  scale_x_discrete(limits=seq(nrow(proportionOfVar))) + #xlabel
  xlab("Principal Component") +
  labs(title="Variance Explained - using Covariance Matrix") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 

Correlation between Principal Components and Variables -using Covariance Matrix

# select only the first three principal components (so ignore column id and all columns named Comp.4 to Comp.9)
 pr_cov_combined %>% select(-matches("*.[4-9]$"),-id) %>% 
  cor() %>% %>% 
  select(starts_with("Comp")) %>%
  formatAsTable(.,"Correlation between Principal Components and Variables")
Correlation between Principal Components and Variables
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3
climate 0.1897764 0.0176671 0.2073107
housing 0.5439783 0.0197815 0.2042024
health 0.7816315 -0.6052287 0.1439164
crime 0.3648400 0.2944431 0.5854860
trans 0.5852356 0.0848904 0.2342438
educate 0.3935162 -0.2727092 0.0271101
arts 0.9854003 0.1259213 -0.1113525
recreate 0.5198621 0.4016138 0.5189836
econ 0.1417745 0.1500496 0.2390394
Comp.1 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
Comp.2 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
Comp.3 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000

Using prcomp

#compute PCA using prcomp - (SVD method)
#IMPORTANT - when using prcomp, always set center=TRUE to match the results from princomp with covaraince matrix
pr_cov2 <- prcomp(places1[,-10],scale=FALSE,center=TRUE) 

#eigen values = variance = (pr_cov$sdev)^2
# create a dataframe with eigen values, differences, variance of proportion and ciumulative proportion of variance
proportionOfVar = data_frame(EigenValue=(pr_cov2$sdev)^2,
formatAsTable(proportionOfVar,"Variances / Eigen Values")
Variances / Eigen Values
EigenValue Difference Proportion Cumulative
0.3774624 0.3264102 0.7226740 0.7226740
0.0510522 0.0231326 0.0977425 0.8204165
0.0279196 0.0049525 0.0534537 0.8738702
0.0229671 0.0061958 0.0439718 0.9178421
0.0167713 0.0048186 0.0321096 0.9499516
0.0119527 0.0034960 0.0228841 0.9728357
0.0084567 0.0045225 0.0161909 0.9890266
0.0039342 0.0021369 0.0075323 0.9965589
0.0017973 NA 0.0034411 1.0000000
#get the laodings - the Eigen Vectors
eigenVectors = pr_cov2$rotation;
#create a dataframe - only for display purposes
eigenVectorsDF <- data.frame(matrix(eigenVectors,9,9))
row.names(eigenVectorsDF) <- unlist(dimnames(eigenVectors)[1])
colnames(eigenVectorsDF) <- unlist(dimnames(eigenVectors)[2])
formatAsTable(eigenVectorsDF,"Eigen Vectors")
Eigen Vectors
climate 0.0350729 0.0088782 -0.1408748 0.1527448 -0.3975116 0.8312950 -0.0559096 -0.3149012 -0.0644892
housing 0.0933516 0.0092306 -0.1288497 -0.1783823 -0.1753133 0.2090573 0.6958923 0.6136158 0.0868770
health 0.4077645 -0.8585319 -0.2760577 -0.0351614 -0.0503247 -0.0896708 -0.0624528 -0.0210358 -0.0655033
crime 0.1004454 0.2204237 -0.5926882 0.7236630 0.0134571 -0.1640189 -0.0555304 0.1823479 0.0542122
trans 0.1500971 0.0592011 -0.2208982 -0.1262053 0.8699695 0.3724496 0.0724604 -0.0571420 -0.0718394
educate 0.0321532 -0.0605886 -0.0081447 -0.0051969 0.0477977 0.0236280 0.0573857 -0.2044731 0.9732711
arts 0.8743406 0.3038063 0.3632873 0.0811157 -0.0550699 -0.0281215 -0.0232698 -0.0167399 -0.0052566
recreate 0.1589962 0.3339926 -0.5836260 -0.6282261 -0.2132899 -0.1417991 -0.2345152 -0.0835391 0.0174947
econ 0.0194942 0.0561011 -0.1208534 0.0521700 -0.0296524 -0.2648128 0.6644859 -0.6620318 -0.1682638
#Display the scores of the first 10 observations
pr_cov2$x %>% head(10) %>% formatAsTable(.,"Scores")
-0.4366771 0.4201634 0.1181209 0.0899588 0.0809683 0.0050283 0.0777766 -0.1428702 -0.0029877
0.6209576 0.0053458 -0.0018082 -0.1007449 -0.0216497 0.0272882 -0.1347766 0.0276786 -0.0677809
-0.8732563 -0.2121036 -0.0496929 0.1716117 -0.0266537 -0.0444182 0.0442839 0.0659487 -0.0096433
0.5029481 -0.0636215 0.1704949 -0.1123026 0.1963132 0.0455147 0.0308016 -0.0872710 0.0364262
0.6097750 -0.0072326 -0.2331267 0.0502339 0.0711925 0.0596135 -0.0472725 -0.0467325 0.0009515
-0.7456332 -0.1881828 0.0407524 0.0727651 -0.0636872 -0.0271343 -0.0403322 -0.0547203 0.0354845
0.0050971 0.0634965 0.3781554 -0.0250161 -0.0958425 0.0581775 0.0427086 -0.0153939 0.0566308
-0.0393760 -0.0923854 0.0952791 0.0044039 0.1235088 0.0517066 -0.0066959 -0.1004058 -0.0085536
-0.8935752 -0.0978617 0.1070677 -0.2011014 0.1240106 0.1701246 -0.0600887 -0.0422251 0.0047487
-0.1649041 0.0417715 0.0279384 0.1843475 0.1220699 0.0822534 0.0294404 -0.0902523 -0.0106447

Principal Component Analysis using Correlation Matrix - Standardized values —————————————————————————

#compute PCA 
pr_corr <- princomp(places1[,-10],cor=TRUE,scores=TRUE,fix_sign=TRUE)
## Importance of components:
##                           Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3    Comp.4     Comp.5
## Standard deviation     1.8159827 1.1016178 1.0514418 0.9525124 0.92770076
## Proportion of Variance 0.3664214 0.1348402 0.1228367 0.1008089 0.09562541
## Cumulative Proportion  0.3664214 0.5012617 0.6240983 0.7249072 0.82053259
##                            Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8     Comp.9
## Standard deviation     0.74979050 0.69557215 0.56397886 0.50112689
## Proportion of Variance 0.06246509 0.05375785 0.03534135 0.02790313
## Cumulative Proportion  0.88299767 0.93675552 0.97209687 1.00000000
#eigen values = variance = (pr_corr$sdev)^2
# create a dataframe with eigen values, differences, variance of proportion and ciumulative proportion of variance
proportionOfVar = data_frame(EigenValue=(pr_corr$sdev)^2,
formatAsTable(proportionOfVar,"Variances / Eigen Values")
Variances / Eigen Values
EigenValue Difference Proportion Cumulative
3.2977930 2.0842311 0.3664214 0.3664214
1.2135619 0.1080320 0.1348402 0.5012617
1.1055299 0.1982500 0.1228367 0.6240983
0.9072798 0.0466512 0.1008089 0.7249072
0.8606287 0.2984429 0.0956254 0.8205326
0.5621858 0.0783652 0.0624651 0.8829977
0.4838206 0.1657485 0.0537578 0.9367555
0.3180722 0.0669440 0.0353414 0.9720969
0.2511282 NA 0.0279031 1.0000000
#get the laodings - the Eigen Vectors
eigenVectors = pr_corr$loadings;
#create a dataframe - only for display purposes
eigenVectorsDF <- data.frame(matrix(eigenVectors,9,9))
row.names(eigenVectorsDF) <- unlist(dimnames(eigenVectors)[1])
colnames(eigenVectorsDF) <- unlist(dimnames(eigenVectors)[2])
formatAsTable(eigenVectorsDF,"Eigen Vectors")
Eigen Vectors
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9
climate 0.1579414 0.0686294 0.7997100 0.3768095 0.0410459 0.2166950 0.1513516 0.3411282 0.0300976
housing 0.3844053 0.1392088 0.0796165 0.1965430 -0.5798679 -0.0822201 0.2751971 -0.6061010 -0.0422691
health 0.4099096 -0.3718120 -0.0194754 0.1125221 0.0295694 -0.5348756 -0.1349750 0.1500575 0.5941276
crime 0.2591017 0.4741325 0.1284672 -0.0422996 0.6921710 -0.1399009 -0.1095036 -0.4201255 0.0510119
trans 0.3748890 -0.1414864 -0.1410683 -0.4300767 0.1914161 0.3238914 0.6785670 0.1188325 0.1358433
educate 0.2743254 -0.4523553 -0.2410558 0.4569430 0.2247437 0.5265827 -0.2620958 -0.2111749 -0.1101242
arts 0.4738471 -0.1044102 0.0110263 -0.1468813 0.0119302 -0.3210571 -0.1204986 0.2598673 -0.7467268
recreate 0.3534118 0.2919424 0.0418164 -0.4040189 -0.3056537 0.3941388 -0.5530938 0.1377181 0.2263654
econ 0.1640135 0.5404531 -0.5073103 0.4757801 -0.0371078 -0.0009737 0.1468669 0.4147736 0.0479028
#Display the scores of the first 10 observations
pr_corr$scores %>% head(10) %>% formatAsTable(.,"Scores")
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9
-1.2006820 1.4766156 -0.9457658 0.5570233 0.6763275 0.9534051 0.5379046 0.9569135 -0.7331827
0.9397421 -0.2488284 1.1075997 -1.6593654 -0.4120841 -0.7082161 -0.1965465 0.4896324 0.1473423
-2.3510699 0.3402471 0.0254193 0.6504602 0.3985502 -0.7400013 0.2592204 -0.7342527 0.4057979
1.3813627 -1.6161980 -1.2566714 0.1791818 0.0709811 0.8077640 0.5482947 0.6379999 -0.2998302
2.4410789 0.1918855 0.4155578 -0.2652699 0.9842905 0.4233625 0.0518763 0.2991611 0.4111207
-2.2402408 -0.6174960 -0.1048217 1.0862646 0.6134955 0.2211733 -0.5226177 0.1447510 0.1780500
-0.7942163 -1.2712570 0.0429201 1.1490846 -0.6843994 0.2985075 -0.1242866 0.0421718 -1.0540174
-0.2909512 -0.7283306 -0.4695213 0.2576317 0.5141451 0.3432275 0.5418614 0.8721576 0.0197242
-2.4455798 -1.5105915 0.4667603 -0.3331633 -0.5294227 1.1769692 0.6609870 0.4987692 0.2474489
-0.3418286 0.2615801 -0.0695413 0.5731232 1.2578601 0.3166650 0.8770192 0.6150955 -0.1289547
pr_corr_combined <- cbind(places1,pr_corr$scores)

Scatter Plots of the Principal Components - using Correlation Matrix

#Plot the first two principal components
data.frame(pr_corr_combined) %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=Comp.2,y=Comp.1)) +
  geom_point() +
  #geom_text(aes(label=id,hjust=0,vjust=0)) +
  labs(title = "Principal Component 1 vs 2 - using Correlation matrix") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))+
  xlab("Principal Component 2") +
  ylab("Principal Component 1") 

Scree Plots - using Correlation Matrix

proportionOfVar %>% 
  scale_x_discrete(limits=seq(nrow(proportionOfVar))) +
  xlab("Principal Component") +
  labs(title="Scree Plot - using Correlation matrix") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 

Variance Explained Plots -using Correlation Matrix

 proportionOfVar %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=seq(nrow(proportionOfVar)))) + 
  scale_color_discrete(name="Type",labels=c("Cumulative","Proportion"))+ #legend
  scale_x_discrete(limits=seq(nrow(proportionOfVar))) + #xlabel
  xlab("Principal Component") +
  labs(title="Variance Explained - using Correlation Matrix") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 

Correlation between Principal Components and Variables - using Correlation Matrix

# select only the first three principal components (so ignore column id and all columns named Comp.4 to Comp.9)
 pr_corr_combined %>% select(-matches("*.[4-9]$"),-id) %>% 
  cor() %>% %>% 
  select(starts_with("Comp")) %>%
  formatAsTable(.,"Correlation between Principal Components and Variables")
Correlation between Principal Components and Variables
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3
climate 0.2868188 0.0756033 0.8408485
housing 0.6980733 0.1533549 0.0837121
health 0.7443888 -0.4095948 -0.0204772
crime 0.4705242 0.5223128 0.1350758
trans 0.6807920 -0.1558640 -0.1483251
educate 0.4981701 -0.4983226 -0.2534562
arts 0.8604980 -0.1150201 0.0115935
recreate 0.6417896 0.3216090 0.0439675
econ 0.2978456 0.5953728 -0.5334072
Comp.1 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
Comp.2 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
Comp.3 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000